Lesson 4 8th October 2014
During this session we focused on our vocals in order to prepare to practise our group songs. It is always essential to do a warm up so that we are confident in singing.
Vocal exercises and technical work:
-Humming chords
-Descending scales
After the warm up, as a class we were revisiting 'rather be' in order to familiarise with the lyrics, we harmonised the song and made sure everyone had different notes to sing. The way in which this worked was by running through the verses and gradually sharpening different sections of the song. For instance, the second to last chorus, most people were singing a different note to the original song. As a result, we came to a conclusion as a group on how we would like to end the last note, whether it was high or low. In the end, it worked well and everyone was clear on what to sing.
Furthermore, we arranged the different harmony groups, each group had a micro-phone divided between each other. This prepared us for the performance as we were aware of where to stand on stage.
Here is a run through the first and last rehearsal:
run through Final
run through
http://youtu.be/Gm8hAq-tmmA http://youtu.be/SOFRUn9Hvtc
http://youtu.be/Gm8hAq-tmmA http://youtu.be/SOFRUn9Hvtc
We then had a run through 'Will you still love me tomorrow' with the teacher accompanied by the piano. In this rehearsal we arranged the group of people who were going to sing the melody and organised the different harmonies. This also organised where we were positioning ourselves on stage.
New things which I have learnt
I have learned that by doing different vocal exercises such as humming ‘z’ throughout the song ensures I feel confident in singing all of the notes. By humming ‘a’ with chords ensures I exercise my vocals and open them when singing a note. Furthermore, it ensures I hold the note longer which was useful as it was a weakness of mine.
Strengths and weaknesses:
What I enjoyed and learned in rehearsal was that everyone was engaged in singing and the rehearsals were useful as we practised harmonising, which I believe is a weakness of mine.
One of my aims was to show more confidence on stage by avoiding both hands in front of me, instead relaxed on the side. The fact that as a group we were discussing how we were going to stand helped me practice that skill of having my arms and hands relaxed on the side. Overall, from the videos recorded I think that I am improving although I still need to feel more relaxed with my arms.
My aim now
notes by humming ‘z’ throughout the song
‘a’ in chords in order to learn to obtain control on holding the note
with my arms and hands relaxed on the side
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